PostgreSQL Daily Maintenance - reindex
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随着DML的发生, 索引会出现碎片.  持续膨胀.  降低效率. 虽然
PostgreSQL有vacuum机制, 但是索引不像heap表, vacuum后的dead tuple占用的空间可以被马上回收复用, 以b-tree索引为例, 一个b-tree page只有当所有的item全部变成不可用后这个page才能被复用. 所以索引膨胀的概率比表大很多.
例一 :
digoal=# truncate tbl;TRUNCATE TABLETime: 1070.523 msdigoal=# insert into tbl select generate_series(1,1000000),'test';INSERT 0 1000000Time: 4534.320 msdigoal=# analyze tbl;ANALYZETime: 58.228 msdigoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl'); pg_relation_size ------------------         44285952(1 row)Time: 0.371 msdigoal=# select pg_relation_size('idx_tbl_1'); pg_relation_size ------------------         22487040(1 row)Time: 0.304 msdigoal=# update tbl set id=id+1000000;UPDATE 1000000Time: 5786.052 msdigoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl'); pg_relation_size ------------------         88563712(1 row)Time: 0.281 msdigoal=# select pg_relation_size('idx_tbl_1'); pg_relation_size ------------------         44941312(1 row)Time: 0.308 ms
第一次全量更新后, 表和索引都膨胀了1倍.
digoal=# vacuum tbl;VACUUMTime: 17.052 ms
vacuum后表的垃圾会回收, 但是索引的不会被回收.
所以第二次全量更新, 表不会再膨胀了, 但是索引继续膨胀.
digoal=# update tbl set id=id-1000000;UPDATE 1000000Time: 6063.763 msdigoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl'); pg_relation_size ------------------         88563712(1 row)Time: 0.814 msdigoal=# select pg_relation_size('idx_tbl_1'); pg_relation_size ------------------         65585152(1 row)Time: 0.353 ms
digoal=# vacuum tbl;VACUUMTime: 2111.606 ms
表未膨胀, 索引膨胀.
digoal=# update tbl set id=id+1000000;UPDATE 1000000Time: 7829.064 msdigoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl'); pg_relation_size ------------------         88563712(1 row)Time: 0.310 msdigoal=# select pg_relation_size('idx_tbl_1'); pg_relation_size ------------------         88907776(1 row)Time: 0.397 ms
例二 : 
创建表, 索引, 插入500万测试数据 :
digoal=# create table tbl(id int primary key, info int);CREATE TABLEdigoal=# insert into tbl select generate_series(1,5000000),1;INSERT 0 5000000digoal=# create index idx_tbl_1 on tbl(info);CREATE INDEXdigoal=# vacuum analyze tbl;VACUUM记录当前的表, 索引的大小.digoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl'); pg_relation_size ------------------        181239808(1 row)digoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl_pkey'); pg_relation_size ------------------        112328704(1 row)digoal=# select pg_relation_size('idx_tbl_1'); pg_relation_size ------------------        112336896(1 row)
使用pgbench对这个表做更新操作 : 
pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> vi update.sql\setrandom id 1 5000000update tbl set info=trunc(5000000*random()) where id=:id;pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -c 8 -j 2 -f ./update.sql -T 60transaction type: Custom queryscaling factor: 1query mode: preparednumber of clients: 8number of threads: 2duration: 60 snumber of transactions actually processed: 361126tps = 5994.525604 (including connections establishing)tps = 5995.828525 (excluding connections establishing)statement latencies in milliseconds:        0.001356        \setrandom id 1 5000000        1.331439        update tbl set info=trunc(5000000*random()) where id=:id;
第一批更新后对表做vacuum, 回收dead tuple占用的空间 : 
digoal=# vacuum verbose analyze tbl;INFO:  vacuuming "public.tbl"INFO:  scanned index "tbl_pkey" to remove 361126 row versionsDETAIL:  CPU 0.08s/1.54u sec elapsed 1.74 sec.INFO:  scanned index "idx_tbl_1" to remove 361126 row versionsDETAIL:  CPU 0.20s/1.88u sec elapsed 4.00 sec.INFO:  "tbl": removed 361126 row versions in 23350 pagesDETAIL:  CPU 0.14s/0.34u sec elapsed 1.13 sec.INFO:  index "tbl_pkey" now contains 5000000 row versions in 13761 pagesDETAIL:  361082 index row versions were removed.0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.INFO:  index "idx_tbl_1" now contains 5000000 row versions in 14972 pagesDETAIL:  361126 index row versions were removed.0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.INFO:  "tbl": found 300838 removable, 5000000 nonremovable row versions in 23459 out of 23459 pagesDETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.There were 0 unused item pointers.0 pages are entirely empty.CPU 0.62s/4.34u sec elapsed 7.77 sec.INFO:  analyzing "public.tbl"INFO:  "tbl": scanned 23459 of 23459 pages, containing 5000000 live rows and 0 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 5000000 estimated total rowsVACUUM
查看当前表的大小和索引的大小, 比创建表时大了一些. tbl_pkey没变大多少是因为HOT机制造成的. 
digoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl'); pg_relation_size ------------------        192176128(1 row)digoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl_pkey'); pg_relation_size ------------------        112730112(1 row)digoal=# select pg_relation_size('idx_tbl_1'); pg_relation_size ------------------        122650624(1 row)
再次使用pgbench对测试表其进行更新 : 
pg93@db-172-16-3-33-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -c 8 -j 2 -f ./update.sql -T 60transaction type: Custom queryscaling factor: 1query mode: preparednumber of clients: 8number of threads: 2duration: 60 snumber of transactions actually processed: 417661tps = 6960.793225 (including connections establishing)tps = 6962.199893 (excluding connections establishing)statement latencies in milliseconds:        0.001263        \setrandom id 1 5000000        1.146337        update tbl set info=trunc(5000000*random()) where id=:id;
digoal=# vacuum verbose analyze tbl;INFO:  vacuuming "public.tbl"INFO:  scanned index "tbl_pkey" to remove 417660 row versionsDETAIL:  CPU 0.09s/1.64u sec elapsed 1.88 sec.INFO:  scanned index "idx_tbl_1" to remove 417660 row versionsDETAIL:  CPU 0.24s/1.96u sec elapsed 3.89 sec.INFO:  "tbl": removed 417660 row versions in 23635 pagesDETAIL:  CPU 0.41s/1.28u sec elapsed 5.38 sec.INFO:  index "tbl_pkey" now contains 5000000 row versions in 14191 pagesDETAIL:  417335 index row versions were removed.0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.INFO:  index "idx_tbl_1" now contains 5000000 row versions in 16433 pagesDETAIL:  417660 index row versions were removed.0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable.CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.INFO:  "tbl": found 361383 removable, 5000000 nonremovable row versions in 23727 out of 23727 pagesDETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.There were 23313 unused item pointers.0 pages are entirely empty.CPU 0.93s/5.76u sec elapsed 12.46 sec.INFO:  analyzing "public.tbl"INFO:  "tbl": scanned 23727 of 23727 pages, containing 5000000 live rows and 0 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 5000000 estimated total rowsVACUUM
当前表的膨胀几乎停止, 因为第一次vacuum后回收了dead tuple的空间.
digoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl'); pg_relation_size ------------------        194371584(1 row)digoal=# select pg_relation_size('tbl_pkey'); pg_relation_size ------------------        116252672(1 row)
被更新列的索引继续膨胀, 因为索引页的复用需要这个页上的tuple itempoint完全失效后才可以.
digoal=# select pg_relation_size('idx_tbl_1'); pg_relation_size ------------------        134619136(1 row)
所以要经常给索引瘦身, 同时又不能影响数据库的DML操作.
可以使用如下方法, 重建例一中的索引 :
digoal=# \d tbl      Table "public.tbl" Column |  Type   | Modifiers --------+---------+----------- id     | integer |  info   | text    | Indexes:    "idx_tbl_1" btree (id)
创建索引的同时不影响表的 DML操作.
digoal=# create index concurrently  idx_tbl_2 on tbl(id);CREATE INDEXTime: 2599.077 ms
digoal=# drop index idx_tbl_1;DROP INDEXTime: 21.757 ms
digoal=# select pg_relation_size('idx_tbl_2'); pg_relation_size ------------------         22487040(1 row)Time: 0.450 ms
对于primary key或者unique key也可以使用此方法.
digoal=# create unique index concurrently user_info_username_key_1 on user_info(username);CREATE INDEXdigoal=# begin;BEGINdigoal=# alter table user_info drop constraint user_info_username_key;ALTER TABLEdigoal=# alter table user_info add constraint user_info_username_key unique using index user_info_username_key_1;NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT USING INDEX will rename index "user_info_username_key_1" to "user_info_username_key"ALTER TABLEdigoal=# end;COMMITdigoal=# create unique index concurrently user_info_pkey_1 on user_info(id);CREATE INDEXdigoal=# begin;BEGINdigoal=# alter table user_info drop constraint user_info_pkey;ALTER TABLEdigoal=# alter table user_info add constraint user_info_pkey primary key using index user_info_pkey_1;NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT USING INDEX will rename index "user_info_pkey_1" to "user_info_pkey"ALTER TABLEdigoal=# end;COMMIT


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